A thriving pet food, supply store and professional groomer offering a wide variety of products and services, plus the best quality pet care.

Carries a large selection of dog and cat food, treats and toys. Plus, top-notch grooming services.

Online shopping also available for in-store or curbside pickup or local delivery. And frequent buyer programs. Is also partnered with a number of local rescues organizations to help find loving homes for dogs and cats through their adoption events. Well established over 10 years. Independent – no royalty, advertising or transfer fees. Family owned and operated – semi-absentee, looking to retire.

Prime retail space in a busy shopping center anchored by a popular grocery store. Along with a UPS store, nail salon, tanning salon, gift shop, candy store, dentist, hardware store and more. As well as many sought-after eating & drinking establishments. Ample parking. Also, surrounded by many, many homes. Perfectly situated at a high traffic intersection with over 57,900 vehicles per day in a far southwest suburb with a population of 75,000 people with an average household income of $112,000 within 3 miles!

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